Residential Locksmith in
Grove City, Ohio
Grove City, Ohio
Re-key Door Locks
It can be a good idea to re-key locks on doors occasionally. For example, a new house that is purchased or an apartment that is being rented to new tenants should be re-keyed.
Lock Out and Lock Changing Services
If you misplace a key and get locked out of your house, we can help. We offer emergency break in services and electronic lock installation. We can also assist in making sure the same key works for all the locks in your home, to prevent locking yourself out of a screen door or garage door. When it comes to residential locks, we can help 24/7, 365 days a year.
Residential Lock Repair
Locks can be worn by use and by pulling the door open with the key itself among other wear issues. Having a broken lock can cause frustration and sometimes malfunctioning by not properly locking or unlocking. Grove City Mobile Locksmith specializes in affordable and fast residential lock repair. Call us today for a quick on-site lock repair service.